Chile and it's natural resources

In our country we have much natural resources like minerals, water, fishing, forestry, etc. there are so important for two areas, one is social aspect, and the other is the economic welfare. Now, in the present, since five years ago or more, we are dabbling in new natural resources, like solar and wind energy. Those metods have the responsability to care the enviroment, and give us the opportunity to use a renewable energy for housework, and there are not so expensive, because are an inversion to the future.


  1. We learned a lot in urbanism! HAHAHAHA

  2. I think that´s a very interestig view about the future of natural resourses

  3. Andrea, I agree with you because renowable energy can be an interesting way to strengthen a country.

  4. I agree! We have a lot of natural resources of which we can benefit! I think it's time to use them in a more sustainable way

  5. I thinks that Chile and it's natural resources is a interesting topic because we have a lot and we have to take advantage of them and take care!
    Nice post.

  6. Caring for the environment should be the most important thing for any country


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